
Constitution and Articles of Association of The King's Langley Common Crew

Article I: Nomenclature and Elevated Purpose

  1. Name: This august body shall be recognized under the illustrious title of "The King's Langley Common Crew" (henceforth "the Crew").
  2. Purpose: To promote the exalted pursuits of imaginative play, jokes and improvised games.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Statutory Classifications

  1. Founding Members (OG): Those venerated individuals present at the inception of the Crew's grand undertaking. Their status is immutable and may not be replicated or imitated by arcane or conventional means.
  2. Little Brother (LB): Characterized by an unparalleled capacity to generate cacophonous disruptions during telephone calls of paramount importance.
  3. Little Sister (LS): Adorable bandit. Vested with the inalienable right to appropriate and secrete toys
  4. Older Sister (OS): Endowed with the authority to declare "I'm telling mum" under circumstances of extreme provocation.
  5. Adult Member (AM): Ancient persons who wield logistical powers. Maintains jurisdiction over "five more minutes".
  6. Honorary Member: A distinguished individual recognized but not fully bound; may become full member through participation in playdate(s) with OG members.
  7. Unofficial Member: An entity loosely affiliated with the Crew, unconstrained by formalities

Section 2: Founding Members (OG) and Their Satellites

  1. Cory (OG) - Kayla (OS), Stephanie (AM)

  2. Giorgio (OG) - Louie (LB), Katie (AM)

  3. Freya (OG) - Rafferty "Raffi" (LB) , Rebecca (AM)

  4. Rupert (OG) - Harriet (LS), Gemma (AM), Robin (AM, Constitutional Draftsperson)

  5. Oliver (OG) - Alex (LB), Rachael (AM)

Section 3: Supplemental Personnel

  1. Honorary Member: Grace (HM)
  2. Unofficial Members:
    • Big Baby (under the protective jurisdiction of Harriet)
    • Annabelle (under the vigilent guardianship of Freya)

Article III: Admission & Status Elevation

  1. Play-Visitation Clause: Any aspirant seeking Crew membership (or broader recognition) must first engage in recreational activities at an OG's domicile.
  2. OG Exclusivity: No augmentation to the ranks of OG membership shall be entertained, considered, or pronounced, now or evermore.
  3. OG Final Word: Founding Members maintain authoritative dominion over official expansions. A quorum may be summoned under the light of a blanket fort, with the approval of not less than half the OG membership.

Article IV: Governing Precepts

  1. Playground Sovereignty: All members shall be free to gallivant unimpeded on the common, in living rooms, and other whimsical territories under the Crew's sphere of influence.
  2. Snack Diplomatic Protocol: Conflicts of interest shall be resolved via benevolent bartering of treats or, in dire straits, referral to an AM for swift justice.
  3. Amendment Procedure: Any motion to modify these articles must be introduced via a cryptic secret handshake, comprehensible solely by OG participants.

Ratified with all due pomp on this day, 13th January 2025.