Constitution and
of Association of The King's Langley Common Crew
Article I: Nomenclature and Elevated Purpose
- Name: This august body shall be recognized under the illustrious title of "The
King's Langley Common Crew" (henceforth "the Crew").
- Purpose: To promote the exalted pursuits of imaginative play, jokes and
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Statutory Classifications
- Founding Members (OG): Those venerated individuals present at the inception of
Crew's grand undertaking. Their status is immutable and may not be replicated or imitated by
or conventional means.
- Little Brother (LB): Characterized by an unparalleled capacity to generate
cacophonous disruptions during telephone calls of paramount importance.
- Little Sister (LS): Adorable bandit. Vested with the inalienable right to
appropriate and
- Older Sister (OS): Endowed with the authority to declare "I'm telling mum"
circumstances of extreme provocation.
- Adult Member (AM): Ancient persons who wield logistical powers. Maintains
jurisdiction over "five more minutes".
- Honorary Member: A distinguished individual recognized but not fully bound; may
become full member through participation in playdate(s) with OG members.
- Unofficial Member: An entity loosely affiliated with the Crew, unconstrained by
Section 2: Founding Members (OG) and Their
Cory (OG) - Kayla (OS), Stephanie (AM)
Giorgio (OG) - Louie (LB), Katie (AM)
Freya (OG) - Rafferty "Raffi" (LB) , Rebecca (AM)
Rupert (OG) - Harriet (LS), Gemma (AM), Robin (AM, Constitutional
Oliver (OG) - Alex (LB), Rachael (AM)
Section 3: Supplemental Personnel
- Honorary Member: Grace (HM)
- Unofficial Members:
- Big Baby (under the protective jurisdiction of Harriet)
- Annabelle (under the vigilent guardianship of Freya)
Article III: Admission & Status Elevation
- Play-Visitation Clause: Any aspirant seeking Crew membership (or broader
recognition) must first engage in recreational activities at an OG's domicile.
- OG Exclusivity: No augmentation to the ranks of OG membership shall be
considered, or pronounced, now or evermore.
- OG Final Word: Founding Members maintain authoritative dominion over official
expansions. A quorum may be summoned under the light of a blanket fort, with the approval of not
less than half the OG membership.
Article IV: Governing Precepts
- Playground Sovereignty: All members shall be free to gallivant unimpeded on the
common, in living rooms, and other whimsical territories under the Crew's sphere of influence.
- Snack Diplomatic Protocol: Conflicts of interest shall be resolved via
bartering of treats or, in dire straits, referral to an AM for swift justice.
- Amendment Procedure: Any motion to modify these articles must be introduced via
cryptic secret handshake, comprehensible solely by OG participants.
Ratified with all due pomp on this day, 13th January 2025.